The Death Penalty

State Will Not Seek Death Penalty In Casey Anthony Murder Case
The state attorney’s office on Friday released a statement saying it will not seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony, who remains jailed on first-degree murder charges in the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee.
The Orange County State Attorney’s Office statement said “it is not in the best interest of the people of the State of Florida” to pursue the death penalty for Anthony.Anthony, 22, told authorities she had left her daughter with a baby sitter in mid-June and the two were gone when she returned from work. She said she spent the next month trying to find her daughter and didn’t call authorities because she was scared. Investigators say they have poked several holes in her story.
Meanwhile, prosecutors have added several new names to its witness list, Local 6 News reported.
The new names include photographers who took pictures of Anthony partying days after Caylee vanished. Also, several members of the FBI lab and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory may be called upon to testify about evidence found in Anthony’s car, which was found abandoned at an Orange County Amscot and reeked of death, according to detectives.
The mother and brother of Cindy Anthony, Casey Anthony’s mother, were also added as potential witnesses. In e-mails to Cindy Anthony, those family members said they think Casey Anthony may have harmed Caylee, released documents show.